Our Mission is to inspire all women to be authentically self-expressed and unapologetically powerful.

Our Values

Authenticity by honoring our true selves and others with integrity and respect.
Self-Expression through vulnerability, courage, and daring to contribute.
Resilience by promoting self-nurturing, healing, and wellbeing.
Transformation through self-discovery, personal growth, and training and development.
Community as a safe space for belonging, listening, and generating sisterhood based on trust and love.
Collaboration while creating, uplifting, and generously sharing our gifts.
Creativity in all its forms, including artistry, invention, and innovation.
Passion for knowledge, spiritual awareness, fulfillment, and spontaneous fun.
Leadership and giving rise to audacious, vibrant women with empowered voices.

how we started

Amazing things can happen when women join forces.

When we are self-aware, allow our natural team-building abilities to flourish, and are willing to be courageously vulnerable, we also become unstoppable. Beginning in 2020, a powerful group of women, although spread out over thousands of miles, chose to collaborate on a daring project resulting in an exciting new future for women everywhere. We started with co-writing a book.

Rhonda Peoples had many stories to tell about female insights gained during her 20-year career in a male-dominated industry, but she was not sure where to start. She called her friend Deb Anderson, a writer who wanted to share her own ah-ha moments and life lessons. The duo brainstormed and invited other women to join them who had also experienced life’s challenges and complexities.


These women had acquired hard-won wisdom and journeyed successfully through breakdown and breakthrough. Most importantly, all were willing to reveal what they learned and were passionate about empowering others. Together, these 15 remarkable women created a phenomenal shared experience along with a supportive sisterhood and an innovative, collaborative writing process. The group delivered on their promise to make a positive difference by publishing their inspiring book.

The success of the group’s endeavor attracted other like-minded women. Then the scope of their contributions expanded to include speaking engagements, social media, projects, workshops, and an Empowering Women With Words book series. Rhonda and Deb, along with the co-founding leadership team, created the Empowering Women Alliance to serve women globally.

Who We Are


Rhonda Peoples

Co-Founder and Author

An extraordinary leader, Rhonda is also an empowering coach, dynamic public speaker, and Codebreaker Technologies trainer. Her coaching business leads women to own their greatness, break through their personal glass ceilings, and claim six- to seven-figure incomes. In addition, Rhonda continues coaching within the Landmark Worldwide community.

Deb Anderson

Co-Founder and Author

The founder of Purpose & Possibility Coaching, Deb also co-created its online courses. She writes fiction and non-fiction and guides others to discover and develop their own empowering stories. She has been co-founder and owner of a marketing and promotions event business for 26 years and co-founder of the largest quantum physics study group and speaker series in America.

Co - Founding Leadership

kathy Peake

Co-Founding Leadership and Author

The founder and CEO of The Peake Financial Group, Kathy enlightens and empowers women financially. She used her degree in Chemistry from Mary Washington College to teach high school; now she uses her training and 20 years’ experience as a licensed Financial Advisor to educate adults. Kathy, who teaches and advises women about investments, also mentors them in business and coaches them for success in life.

Susan Jones

Co-Founding Leadership and Author

An empath, visionary, and spiritual healer, Susan is also a magical muse, coach, and collaborative workshop developer. She uses her broad range of training to encourage women to activate their natural empathic gifts and become powerful miracle generators. Susan facilitates women’s groups, leads workshops, and empowers women through coaching.

Ming Lovejoy

Co-Founding Leadership and Author

The founder and CEO of Ming Lovejoy Coaching, Ming supports women living joyfully aligned with who—and why—they are. A Princeton graduate and a student of bioenergetics, energy medicine, and quantum physics, she also has certifications as an Herbalist, Health Coach, and Professional Chef. Ming is a leader in a network marketing industry designed for optimal wellness and financial performance.

Susan Johnson

Co-Founding Leadership and Author

The founder of Invigorated!, Susan is a Certified Life and Health Coach who assists people achieve vibrant living, naturally. She uses her master’s degree in Counseling, her BS in Psychology, and her extensive training and experience to aid people in accessing, claiming, and growing their personal power. Susan also co-created Purpose & Possibility Coaching and its online courses.

Anasuya Isaacs

Co-Founding Leadership and Author

A licensed WomanSpeak Trainer and a Color of Woman Teaching Artist, Anasuya is a Mystic Midwife to women liberating their voices, creativity, and passions. She uses her experience as a workshop leader, working performer, writer, translator, healer, and motivational speaker to unite people and facilitate social change. Anasuya is also an editor and artist.

Co - Founding Authors

Vera Knight

Co-Founding Author

The founder of Vera Knight Fitness, Vera is also an innovative workshop leader, Master Personal Trainer, and Certified Weight-loss and Life Coach. She created her signature program, Food Freedom: The Game, for women hungry for a way off the dieting merry-go-round. Her deep spiritual growth also led Vera to become a Certified Breathwork Facilitator.

Ute Vaughn

Co-Founding Author

The founder of The Light Side of Being, Ute is also an artist, teacher, and Life Coach. She designed her coaching practice to bring out your strengths and abilities and encourages “falling in love with your true self.” Ute has certifications by The Coaches Training Institute, The HeartMath Institute, The Rhys Thomas Institute of Energy Medicine, and The Science of Self-Empowerment.

Ada Iris Jaime

Co-Founding Author

The founder of Awaken the Heart Healing, Ada practices ancient healing traditions from all corners of the globe. She conducts ceremonies long forgotten, tells stories, and gives lessons grounded in nature about the interconnectedness of all living beings. Ada honors oral traditions of circle and fire and writes creation stories and historic fiction.

Becky Noel

Co-Founding Author

As Community Service Officer, Becky served a metropolitan Police Department with award-winning distinction before retirement. She was the National Instructor of the Crime-Free Multi-Housing Program and taught at law enforcement agencies across the United States. Becky also served as Director or board member of several international and local nonprofit organizations.

Debra Muse Wolff

Co-Founding Author

A Registered Nurse with 44 years’ experience, Debra has a passion for healing the whole person—body, mind, and spirit. She circumvents the “sick” patient paradigm, offering better choices and more natural ways to live and be well, including a natural-foods diet, eliminating toxic chemicals, and using environmentally friendly cleaning products and essential oils.

Sue Harris-Wille

Co-Founding Author

A self-described ordinary woman, Sue earned a master’s degree in Rehabilitation Counseling. She recognizes the power available to women who have clear intentions, are challenged and humbled, and then take risks anyway. As a Professional Organizer, Sue uses her training to help others bring order, energy, balance, and joy to their homes and businesses.

Kathleen Westwood

Co-Founding Author

A life-long struggle with traumatic brain injury encouraged Kathleen to help others struggling in life. Her master’s degree in Speech Pathology equipped her to assist students in the U.S. school system for 50 years. Now retired, she provides respite services for young adults with developmental challenges and difficulty navigating a complex social world.

Christy Lee

Co-Founding Author

With a Doctorate in Physical Therapy and a BS in Athletic Training and Kinesiology, Christy teaches ways of overcoming barriers to health and fitness beyond medication and surgery. She blends holistic healthcare into traditional practice to help others maximize their potential. Dr. Lee is also a co-founder and board member of the nonprofit, Faith & Fitness.


Our Vision is to support women discovering their personal power and authentic self-expression by sharing their unique voices through authorship.

About the book series

We Empower Women With Our Words. We Use Our Authentic Voices And Accumulated Wisdom To Encourage, Inspire, Uplift, And Enlighten Women.

The books in this series are written by groups of women of all ages and ethnicities on multiple continents. Each writer contributes a distinctive chapter to a cohesive whole. Unlike typical anthologies, where solitary writers submit their finished pieces to be assembled into a book, our writers participate in a 9- to 12-month collaborative experience.

Our proprietary writing and review process creates a safe space for women to explore, discover, and develop their authentic voices. This supportive environment results in best-selling books that are much more than the sum of their parts – they are exciting, engaging, and empowering. 

The Empowering Women Alliance encourages women to express their authentic, powerful voice with three guiding axioms: 

We combine these three axioms to write books filled with eye-opening insights and transformational messages

About the first book

Read our first book, Empowering Women With Words: Life-Changing Conversations

Imagine sitting down for a cup of coffee or tea with another woman you have just met. Right away, you can tell she is authentic and interesting. She opens up to you. She shares what is truly in her heart and reveals what she really thinks. You begin to recognize a bit of yourself in her story. Perhaps she tells you about life lessons she has learned and how she came to be the woman she is now. You are intrigued and wonder how her experience may apply to your own life. Her sharing may encourage you to open up and share what is on your mind and in your heart, too.

This imaginary exercise is exactly what happened to us in real life. A group of us began meeting on Zoom to share these meaningful conversations with one another. We wrote about our stories, experiences, interests, difficulties, epiphanies, discoveries, insights, and passions. As we wrote, we reviewed, supported, and encouraged one another’s work, and each of us crafted a compelling chapter in a collaborative book that positively impacts women who read it.

About Future Books in the Series

Empowering Women With Words: Life-Changing Conversations is the first book in our series. While we were still writing it, news got out about our dynamic process. Soon, another group of brave-hearted women asked to join us. Now the second book is almost ready for publication, and more women are coming forward to collaborate on future books in the series. 

Our proprietary collaborative experience and unique review process are transformative. We designed them to make a difference for both the writer and the reader.

While participating in our safe and supportive environment, many women find their authentic voices for the first time; they also discover how to use them effectively while writing their individual chapters. Chapters cover a broad range of topics, each written from a writer’s unique perspective, yet all are designed to be empowering, encouraging, inspiring, uplifting, or enlightening.

We are thrilled that our dedicated participants become published authors who empower women with words!


Do you ever feel like your true potential is just out of reach?

Have you sensed there's more for you—a stronger authentic voice, your own version of visionary leadership, or a unique purpose you want to fulfill?

Come meet other women from across the globe who are exploring their paths to empowerment, sharing stories of transformation, and unlocking the secrets to becoming visionary leaders on their own terms.


Click the button to discover more about the Empowering Women Alliance merchandise including: 


“Being part of this book writing process has made me realize how magnificent women are! I’ve been surrounded and accepted by women who are strong enough to be vulnerable and brave enough to be authentic. We learned deep truths about one another and revealed things about ourselves that we may not have told another soul before we put pen to paper. The resulting chapters pack a soul-satisfying wallop! I’ve been empowered by participating and I’m confident the women who find our book will be empowered by reading it, too.”

Deb Anderson
Christy Lee

“I had never considered myself a writer, nor had I ever imagined I would write for a published book. However, being a part of a group of women who encouraged, inspired, and challenged me made this not only possible, but also life-changing. I learned that writing an intimate part of your story can be an emotional roller coaster. You doubt, feeling like your story is not good enough. You wonder if anyone would be interested in what you have to offer. But then you get better at revealing your thoughts and feelings, and you celebrate as you finally put your story together. To have a sisterhood of women by your side throughout this process is the best part of the whole journey. I may be the youngest author in the first book, but I was treated with the same amount of respect as the oldest. And for all of these things, I will be forever grateful.”

“Writing my chapter for this book was an experience I never dreamed of having! I thoroughly enjoyed meeting and spending time with all of the women involved in making the book come to life. The whole process of becoming an author is something I will always appreciate and never forget.”

Becky Noel
Susan Johnson

“Writing my chapter helped me realize that I have overcome a great deal and can overcome any obstacles in the future. Though I have always had love and support from friends, I now have a group of loving, supportive sisters as a result of writing this book together. This collaborative group has given me faith, hope, and encouragement; I know I am loved for who I am and respected for what I am up to in the world. I loved getting to know the other women’s stories, too – it was such a deep experience for all of us. My hope is that each woman who reads this book will be able to appreciate what each writer has come through, and then be encouraged to walk through her own troubles knowing she is stronger than she thinks and has many more internal riches to call upon and share with the world than she might have believed. I am so gratified to have done what I have wanted to do since I was a little girl … write! It was past time to share my voice. This experience has given me strength and the courage to write, and having access to multiple points of view helped me learn how to write more effectively. This opportunity was a gift.”

“The experience of writing my chapter for Empowering Women With Words made me feel like a butterfly emerging from its protective cocoon. The support of the other women served as the delicate chrysalis that protected me as I went through an amazing transformation. In that quietly exciting space, I was able to understand who I was and see who I wanted to become. I emerged as a renewed version of myself, ready to live a better life with integrity and grace.”

Kathleen Westwood

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